Massachusetts School Immunization Requirements

Massachusetts school immunization requirements are created under authority of 105 CRM 220.000 Immunization of students before entry to school.

School immunization requirements exist to protect students and members of their community from serious vaccine-preventable diseases by ensuring high vaccination rates.

Requirements apply to all students, including individuals from another country attending or visiting classes or educational programs as part of an academic visitation or exchange program. Requirements apply to all students, even if they are > 18 years of age.

The Immunization Requirements for School Entry resource outlines the required vaccines by child care/preschool, grades K-6, grades 7-12, and college. While MDPH outlines the required vaccines, local school districts are responsible for ensuring compliance with the stated requirements:

Immunization Requirements 2025

Haitian-Creole Immunization Requirements

Vietnamese Immunization Requirements

Portuguese Immunization Requirements

Spanish Immunization Requirements

Students entering all grades must meet current Massachusetts Department of Public Health immunization requirements. School health records are reviewed periodically to determine the immunization status of each student. If it is found that immunization updates are needed, school nurses will telephone parents/legal guardians or send notices home.

Verification of immunizations given at a doctor’s office or emergency room should be submitted to the school nurse to update the student’s health record.