Human Resources

Contact Us

40 Highland Avenue​ 
Randolph, MA 02368​
Phone (781) 961-7477
Fax: (781) 961-6294​​

The Human Resources office is located on the football field side of the Randolph High School at door #11


Sean Walsh
Director of Human Resources

Barbara McDonough
Executive Assistant to the Director of Human Resources

Dulcelinda Monteiro
Administrative Assistant to Human Resources

The Human Resources Office of the Randolph Public Schools, through the support of its School Committee, is responsible to the district students and residents to insure that the highest quality individuals available are hired to meet the district’s needs.

The District recognizes that qualified staff dedicated to our students is necessary to maintain a constantly improving educational program.

The District's specific personnel goals are to:

  1. Develop and implement those strategies and procedures for personnel recruitment, screening, and selection that will result in the employment and retention of individuals with the highest capabilities, strongest commitment to quality education, and greatest probability of effectively implementing the system's learning program.
  2. Develop a general staff assignment strategy that will contribute to the learning program; and to use it as the primary basis for determining staff assignments.
  3. Provide positive programs of staff development that contribute both to improvement of the learning program and to each staff member's career development aspirations.
  4. Provide for a genuine team approach to education.
  5. Develop and use for personnel evaluation positive processes that contribute to the improvement of both staff capabilities and the learning program.

The Randolph Public Schools (RPS) do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, ethnic identity, sex, gender identity, disability, handicap, age, religion, sexual orientation or homelessness in admission to or participation in its programs and activities. RPS does not tolerate any form of discrimination, intimidation, threat, bullying, coercion and/or harassment that insults the dignity of others by interfering with their ability or freedom to learn and work.