Family & Student Guide

Family & Student Guide to the Randolph Public Schools

View a copy of the Family and Student Guide to the Randolph Public Schools SY 2024-2025:
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Newcomer Family Guide

This publication summarizes laws, procedures, regulations and practices that are important to Randolph Public Schools (RPS) students, their parents, and guardians.  It is not intended to be a complete directory of all laws and procedures concerning students and parents.

Federal and state laws, RPS Procedures, regulations, and practices at the district and school building levels are subject to change.

This handbook contains important information that every Randolph  Public Schools student and family should know including the Randolph Public Schools Code of Conduct and Attendance Procedures. If you are unable to access the RPS FAMILY AND STUDENT HANDBOOK electronically, please contact your school to request a printed copy.

Si ou gen kesyon anplis, tanpri souple kontakte Lunine Pierre-Jérôme, Liaison pou fanmi ki pale Kreyòl Ayisyen yo nan 1-781-807-0081
Si tiene más preguntas, llame a Evelyn Morales, las intermediarias/intérprete para las familias hispanohablantes al 1-781-961-6220 ext. 535 
Se você tiver qualquer outra pergunta, por favor entre em contato com Regina Federle, para auxílio com o idioma Português, número 1-781-961-6247. 
Nếu quý vị có câu hỏi nào khác, làm ơn liên hệ phiên dịch viên tiếng Việt, tại 1-339-216-2400

It is the responsibility of each parent/guardian to read and understand the provisions contained within the family and student handbook and to discuss them with your child to ensure that they understand. By signing the form at the end of this handbook, you acknowledge that you have accessed and taken time to read, understand and explain the contents of these important documents to your child.

In addition to the RPS Family and Student Handbook, each school has their own student handbook, which is available on each school's website. Additional School Committee policies should also be reviewed which can be found in the School Committee Policy website.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Randolph Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, genetic information, disability, veteran’s status, age or homelessness in admission to, access to, employment in, or treatment in its programs and activities.