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Welcome to Kindergarten Readiness Night

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Greetings, Randolph Families,

You are invited to our Welcome to Kindergarten Readiness Night event on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. The event will be held at the Randolph Intergenerational Community Center located at 128 Pleasant Street, Randolph. 

If your child will be five years old before August 31, 2025, please join us for an evening of fun and helpful community resources. Please RSVP by scanning the bar code on the photo or by clicking the link below, or copying it into your web browser.


If you have additional questions, please contact Renee Downes-Gilkes, Early Childhood Coordinator at downes-gilkesr@randolph.k12.ma.us or by calling (781) 961-6211, ext. 521.

Thank you!