Parent & Student Acknowledgement for RPS Code of Conduct and Attendance
I have reviewed and understand the regulations and procedures contained in the RPS Code of Conduct Handbook and the RPS Attendance Procedures as they pertain to me and my child. I understand that my child is responsible for following these regulations and procedures.
I am aware of the parenting role in regard to communication, attendance, tardiness, dismissals, discipline, behavioral infractions and other school regulations and procedures.
I am aware that if I have any questions regarding these regulations and procedures or other information contained in this handbook, I can call the School Principal for clarification.
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________ Date________________
I have read, or had read to me, the regulations and procedures contained in the RPS Code of Conduct Handbook and the RPS Attendance Procedures. I understand that I am responsible for following these regulations and procedures.
To the best of my ability, I understand the RPS Code of Conduct Handbook and the RPS Attendance Procedures.
Student Signature___________________________ Date______________
Please sign and return this form to the student's classroom teacher.