School Bus Regulations


State Law mandates that all pupils in Grade K-5 who live in excess of two miles from the school they attend be provided transportation. The Randolph School Committee’s policy is to bus two miles and more for students at the RCMS/RHS level.

In order to ensure adequate space on buses, all students must ride the buses to which they are assigned. In addition, students must be picked up and dropped off at their assigned stops based upon residency.

Pupils are entitled to transportation only when they conduct themselves in accordance with the rules and regulations of the School Committee and do their share to see that conditions on the buses are satisfactory. Damage to the School Bus equipment shall be paid for by the offender.

The bus driver will report any violation of these school bus regulations in writing both to the transportation coordinator and the school administration on the day in which the violation occurs. The Principal of the school will review the complaint with the pupil. If he or she deems the report to be valid, the parent will be informed by a phone call followed by a letter, and, if required by these rules, the pupil will lose his or her bus privilege for the length of time indicated.

The following rules and regulations must be followed at all times:
  • Every RCMS/RHS pupil must have his/her bus pass ready to show the bus driver each time he/she gets on the bus. (TO BE STRICTLY ENFORCED)
  • A RCMS/RHS student who does not have a bus pass will not be allowed to ride the school bus. Any pupil losing a bus pass must report the loss to the school office and a temporary pass will be issued for one (1) ride home. The student may obtain a replacement on payment of $1.00 along with a note from a parent.
  • Any pupil transferring a bus pass to another person will automatically lose his/her transportation privilege for a period of one (1) week.
  • Students must obey the bus driver at all times while under his/her supervision. For safety reasons, buses containing students not obeying Randolph Public School regulations will return to the school of origin where students responsible for the disturbance will be left with school authorities and will be deprived of bus transportation for the day.
  • Smoking, drinking, eating, or transporting of any illegal substance is forbidden.
  • Students may not bring any live animals or hazardous materials on the bus.
  • Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated.
  • Students are not allowed to bring on the bus large projects that may take up a seat on the bus.
  • To provide the safest possible transportation for students.
  • To operate the program as efficiently and economically as possible.
  • To provide services that meet the requirements of the full range of educational programs.
  • To maintain conditions on the buses that are in the best interest of the pupils.
  • To promote the community’s understanding for the safety, efficiency, and high standards of service provided by the transportation program. 

Before boarding the school bus, all students must observe the following rules:

  • Be on time at the designated bus stop, preferably at least ten (10) minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
  • Stay off the road and private property while waiting for the bus.
  • Do not move toward the bus until it has come to a complete stop.
  • Do not crowd and push while getting on the bus.

While on the bus, all students must observe the following rules:

  • Sit where you are told. Do not leave or change your seat while bus is in motion.
  • Keep hands, feet and head inside of bus.
  • Do not open or close windows. Only the driver may operate the windows.
  • Assist in keeping the bus safe and clean. Do not litter and do not throw items around.
  • Do not tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. Damage to equipment will be paid for by the offender.
  • Do not shout or create unnecessary confusion.
  • Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisle.
  • Maintain absolute quiet when the bus approaches a railroad crossing stop.