Randolph Reads 2024: Read, Restore, Renew

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Hello Randolph Public School Community: 

We are so excited because today is…Randolph Reads Drop Day! 

This is our third year of Randolph Reads, a community-wide read with the mission of building connections in our town and inspiring a love of reading. 

This year’s Randolph Reads theme is → READ, RESTORE, RENEW!  

We’ve chosen 4 incredible stories of resilience and the innovation of scientists, activists, and everyday citizens fighting to renew the health of our Planet Earth.

Today every Randolph student and staff member will receive the best gift of all - a book!  Students, remember to come back to school in September with your book marked up with noticings and wonderings ready to discuss with your teachers and friends at school! 

Folks in our larger Randolph Community please visit the Turner Free Library or use the free Libby app to borrow and enjoy any or all of the Randolph Reads book selections! 

You’re probably wondering, what books are we going to read this year? 

Check out the attached flyer and this video to see some very special individuals tell you about the very incredible books we’ve chosen for this year’s Randolph Reads! 


Dr. Amy Hartley-Matteson
Assistant Superintendent
Randolph Public Schools
